
How To Make Blogs Interesting

Have you ever scrolled through a whole blog post and exited out before reading more than 10 words?Raise your hands, guys! Because we've all been there.

A few months ago, I started to take my blog reading more seriously. So I started to read a couple blog posts a week and most of the time I would just scroll through a few blog posts a day.

Sometimes, I noticed that the posts just looked boring and I didn't want to read them. And then other times, they looked so interesting that I had to read them.

But then I went back to my blog and realized that my posts looked really drab. And I mean really drab!

I was yawning just looking at my own website. Like, excuse me… WHAT?!

If I think that my blog posts look boring, what the heck do other people think? Especially people who are coming to my blog for the first time?!

So I did what anyone would do… I freaked out.

I knew that something had to change. So I started to find ways to make my blog posts look more interesting. And now I'm in the process of spicing up all of my blog posts. That's one of my big tasks for 2018.

So now my goal is to rid the blogging world of boring blog posts. And in this post, I want to help you make your blog posts look more interesting!

Let's get into this…

Are you tired of creating boring blog posts? Do you want to watch your blog pageviews grow as you publish blog posts your audience actually wants to read?! In this post, I'm sharing 10 tips on how to make your blog posts look more interesting. Whether you are a beginner blogger or just a blogger who wants to grow, it all starts with creating great blog posts!

How to make your blog posts look more interesting

After my thorough research, I discovered some easy tips to make blog posts look more visually appealing and overall engaging for readers.

Let's run through the list.

1. Stop writing in paragraphs

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this is every blog post that talks about writing engaging website content. But I'm going to include it here as well.

There is nothing more boring than a blog post that contains paragraph after paragraph after paragraph.

Can you say BORRRRRING!

Instead, break it up a little bit. And include breaks in your post as you would break naturally in a conversation.

You may notice that I include some sentences completely by themselves. Heck, I'll write one word and then break to a new paragraph.

Use one sentence. Break. Use three sentences. Then break. Use 2 sentences. Then break.

And have some fun with it! You don't have to follow any particular order. Just mix it up and start to break up your content so that isn't any three 5 sentence paragraphs in a row.

2. Bold phrases that are important

This works wonders for a boring blog post.

Randomly add bolder phrases where you think they help to prove a point or are just important for the reader to notice.

Most people will skim your content. It's bound to happen. And you should expect it.

When you use bolded text, those are the first words that your reader will notice. And if you don't have any bolded phrases, you could completely bore them into leaving.

In each section of my blog post, (that's another great tip: sections!) I include at least 1 phrase that is bolded. To make sure that I retain the attention of the reader the whole way through.

3. Include random thoughts in italics

You may notice that I will randomly talk to myself throughout these blog posts. And sometimes, I may be talking to you guys. But these random thoughts I put in italics.

I will also include some other phrases in italics as well if I think it makes sense. But most of the time, it's just my random thoughts.

And honestly, it may seem weird, but people like it when you talk to yourself. Because it makes your post seem real! And like they are actually getting a sneak peek into your mind.

So if you really want to make your blog posts look and sound more interesting, include random thoughts and make them italicized.

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4. Hyperlink to other blog posts throughout the text

My blog template is pretty cool in the sense that all hyperlinks appear in my brand color blue. And I love it! Because then my texts is randomly broken up by some fun pop of color.

But there is another benefit to include hyperlinks throughout your text.

Recently, I wrote a blog post about Pinterest keyword research. (See what I did there with the hyperlink?) In that blog post, I talked a lot about Pinterest SEO. Now, some people reading that post might now know anything about Pinterest SEO. So either I could link to my blog post that talks about it, or they could run to Google and complete a search for themselves and get lost in someone else's blog.

Nope. No way, honey. I want you to stay on my site!

So I'll link to other blog posts that are relevant to the text that I'm talking about!

Does that make sense?

This tip has a 2 part effect. It makes the text look cool with a different color and it keeps the reader engaged and on your site. So that's a win-win if I've ever seen one!

5. Include a RELATED or RELEVANT snippet at the end of sections

Now if you don't like that idea. Which it would be pretty silly if you didn't. I mean it helps with your SEO as well, if that's what it takes to tip you over the edge into believing.

But if you still don't like the hyperlink idea, then I recommend include a RELATED or RELEVANT snippet at the end of your sections.

Now I only use this every now and then. I don't include it in every section! But when something is relevant, I'll include a snippet that looks like this:

RELATED: Blogging Basics for Beginner's: Everything you need to blog your way to success


This may not seem like it does a lot, but it helps to break up your content. And again, keep your reader engaged by offering them other blog posts you've written that they might enjoy!

6. Add more images!

As a blogger, you can never have too many images! NEVER!

Maybe it's just the photographer in me, but blogging is really about the images as much as it's about the content. So don't be afraid to include 5 images in a blog post. I do that all the time. Plus some.

Each section should have something to break it up. So whether that's the "RELATED" snippet we talked about, an image, an ad, or an email opt-in, you need something! Because continuous text is just boring.

So add images that support what you are talking about and help to enhance your blog post.

Sure… some of these can be random. But when they can relate, make sure that they relate! And if you don't have anything to share, you can always fall back on an image of yourself, a flat lay, or an image that relates to the topic of your blog.

How to Start a Website the Right Way | Are you thinking about creating a website? Or maybe you want to start a blog? Well then, you've come to the right post! In this article, I'm sharing how to start a website the right way, including how to pick a domain and set up WordPress. Plus I'm sharing the mistakes that I made when I created my website and how you can avoid them when you create yours!

7. Don't place your affiliate disclaimer in the first sentence

When you use affiliate marketing on your blog, you need to include a disclaimer. And when I started, I knew that I had to include it at the beginning of my blog posts to abide by the rules.

So I would include *This post may contain affiliate links* as the first sentence. BIG MISTAKE!

This immediate will make people turn away and not read the post. So now what I do is include my affiliate disclaimer still in the first section of my blog post. But it's placed right after my social media image in italics.

This way it's a little bit less noticeable. But it's still there! Which is all that matters. Plus I think it looks much prettier in the layout of my blog posts.

8. Spice up your sidebar (& have it in your blog posts)

I read a blog post awhile back that said that removing your sidebar makes you look more like a business then a blogger. So I removed it.

But the thing is, over time, I realized that I actually wanted to appear as a blogger and as a business. So how do you find a happy medium?!

Well, I added my sidebar back. And I noticed a couple of things.

The first was that my email opt-ins really improved! Because I had 2 opt-ins right in my sidebar which encouraged people to sign up.

But it also improved the look of my blog posts! It makes them look a lot more interesting and engaging!

Here's what I did to spice up my sidebar:

  • Included images with my popular blog posts,
  • Added graphics to help guide people throughout my website,
  • And add an image to download my Roadmap to a Long Lasting Blog Career resource.

Now my sidebar is more image heavy and is more interesting to look at. If you can learn one thing: people loooove images!

So yeah. Add a sidebar and spice that baby up! If you need an example, scroll up and look at mine on the right-hand side.

Roadmap Booklet download button

9. Add more email opt-ins

So maybe you think that added 10 images to your blog posts to make it more interesting is actually a little bit too much. And I get it! That is a lot.

So what you can do is add email opt-in's instead.

Did you notice the email opt-in's I've included in this blog post?

Well here's another one to remind you:

Roadmap to a Long Lasting Blog Career - promo

See what I did there?

These opt-ins are a great way to grow your email list. But they are also a great way to break up your content!

I recommend creating graphics for your email opt-ins. Because here's the thing. People are more likely to sign up for your email list is they don't see the actual form to fill out first.

It's super weird. But it's true.

So if you include an attractive image that makes them click to sign up before they enter their information, you'll have a better success!

Plus, you should have at least 3 email opt-ins per blog post if you want to really grow your email list. Which is key to your success online.

RELATED: How to Start an Email List

10. Have some fun!

If you aren't having fun with your blog posts, how can you expect your readers to have fun?!

One of the best things you can learn in the blogging world, actually just the world in general, is to take life a little less seriously!

The more you have fun, the more you'll get out of everything you do. So have some fun with your blog posts. And let the true you shine through.

The more I stopped caring about what people thought about my blog posts, the better they became. And the more people actually liked them.

So I encourage you to write like you're talking to a friend. Use natural language. Add some humor. And spice it up any chance you can.

Again, if you're having fun, you're audience will be having fun as well.

Make your blog a party! And the party will come.

Are you tired of creating boring blog posts? Do you want to watch your blog pageviews grow as you publish blog posts your audience actually wants to read?! In this post, I'm sharing 10 tips on how to make your blog posts look more interesting. Whether you are a beginner blogger or just a blogger who wants to grow, it all starts with creating great blog posts! #bloggingtips #growyourblog

What the heck did we just cover

Yeah. That was a lot. But I kinda liked it. And I think that's really all I want to say.

So to make it easy on the people that just scrolled to the bottom (despite how interesting I made this blog post!!!), here's what we covered.

How to make your blog posts look more interesting:

  1. Stop writing in paragraphs

It's boring. And no one likes it. So just stop.

  1. Bold phrases that are important

This is for all you skimmers. We're just trying to make your skimming easier.

  1. Include random thoughts in italics

Blah bitty blah. Random thoughts inserted here.

  1. Hyperlink to other blog posts

Keep up wanting more and change the color of your text!

  1. Include a RELATED or RELEVANT snippet after sections

You already know what the reader is into, so give them more!

  1. Add more images

You can never have too many! … Or can you?

  1. Don't place your affiliate disclaimer in the first sentence

Be discreet but still follow the rules. It makes a big difference.

  1. Spice up your sidebar & include it in your blog posts

THIS IS HUGE! Just do it, okay?

  1. Add more email opt-ins

Tired of adding rando images? Then add email opt-ins!

  1. And have some darn fun!

I sound like a grandma telling you to have fun at your middle school dance. But put a smile on your face and have some fun!

Roadmap Booklet download button

I think I might have had too much fun in this blog post. It's probably just the coffee running through my veins.

So I'm going to wrap this up and wish you the very best of luck making your blog posts as interesting as possible! And make sure that you connect with other amazing bloggers in the comments down below!

I'll see you back here reading more interesting blog posts that I produce real soon. *Wink wink*

XO, Cath

Keep Reading…

Are you looking to start a blog? Before you make any commitments, it's important to know what you are getting yourself into! Owning a blog can be costly. And you need to be ready for the expenses ahead. In this article, I'm sharing exactly what I spent on my blog in 1 year. You'll see a breakdown of my blogging expenses and why I decided to spend money on the programs that I did. So if you're a beginner blogger, or if you want to know how to start a blog, make sure you read this post on what it really costs to own a blog!Do you ever wonder what to send to your email list? Do you question whether your subscribers will actually open your email or delete it immediately? It's time to stop worrying and start creating content that your email list will actually enjoy! In this post, you'll learn 7 unique content ideas that you can send to your email list to keep them engaged and interested in your blog! Stop sending promotion after promotion and start sending emails that you actually want to send and that your email subscribers want to read.

About the Author

The Content Bug - Cath Headshot 4

Cathrin (Cath) creates content that encourages bloggers & online entrepreneurs to be themselves, chase their passion,  and create their success online. 1 year after started her blog (, Cath left her full-time position working in the digital marketing industry to pursue her dreams of being her own boss. In weekly blog posts, sporadic YouTube videos, and constant talking on Instagram stories, Cath hopes to spread her story and be an inspiration to others who desperately want to change their lives.

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Are you tired of creating boring blog posts? Do you want to watch your blog pageviews grow as you publish blog posts your audience actually wants to read?! In this post, I'm sharing 10 tips on how to make your blog posts look more interesting. Whether you are a beginner blogger or just a blogger who wants to grow, it all starts with creating great blog posts! #bloggingtips #growyourblog

How To Make Blogs Interesting


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