
Please Subscribe To My Channel

Subscribe to Youtube Channel"Don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel".

This is a phrase that viewers of my video will have heard me say again and again.

I am not alone in this.

Other Youtubers also encourage those that watch their videos to comment, rate and subscribe to their videos.

Why is this so?

What is the importance of having someone subscribe?

Click here to watch Why Do I Ask You To Subscribe To My Youtube Channel? | A Lesson On A Call To Action on Youtube

When I ask you to subscribe – I am in marketing terms giving you a "Call to Action".

Why is it important to have a Call to Action?

Because they work – in fact on video where I have no call to action I find the engagement of my audience drops by 70%!

Don't believe me?

When was the last time you went to a movie?

Did you notice they

asked you – in various ways and multiple times – to turn your cellphone off.  Look around when they do this – most of the audience is complying with this request.

When people see this particular sign they comply because they understand that it is the right thing to do. Some people do not necessarily want to turn their mobiles off but when they see others around them doing the same they are compelled to do so.

This is one example where a Call to Action is proven effective.

Besides that, here are valid reasons as to why a call to action can make a difference:

1.  People Are More Likely To Take Action If Asked

Based on my own personal experience with the videos that I upload the Real Men Real Style channel, people respond more if you simply ask them.

I've noticed that in all of those times when I didn't have a call to action and did not ask them to subscribe only about half the number did so.

It is important to put the call to action at the start of the video as people will have less chances of getting distracted by something else. The other advantage of doing this is that in the event that the viewer does not make it to the end of the video, he will already have heard that call to action.

2.  A Large Subscriber Base Is Important To Growth & Revenue

Having a call to action is important for the growth of my channel for various reasons:

  • The more subscribers I have the more views I get every time I put out a new video.

All of this goes into Google's algorithm and is a determining factor as to how important that video is and where it will be placed in the Google listing.

  • Subscribers attract advertisers

When advertisers see that a channel has a solid number of subscribers, they can immediately make a decision if investing in the Youtube channel is worth their time and money.

3.  More Subscribers Means Better Quality Free Videos

The more subscribers we get, the more money we make.

This impacts you because when I have more revenue I can dedicate more time and resources into creating great free videos with well-researched content.

In fact – your support over the last few years has enable me to hire a staff of almost a dozen people – to include a videographer, artists, and writers!

4.  YouTube Subscribers Get Bonuses

If you're on a good email list or or a subscriber to a savvy marketer – they are going to try to make you feel special by offering you insider perks.

One way I do this on YouTube is offer my subscribers access to Ghost Videos.

These ghost videos are a great way to get an insider peek at some of the things that are featured in Build Your Wardrobe: A Professional Men's Community- which is a paid program.

I make them available for a limited time, and the only way to watch them is get the YouTube subscriber email notification and use that link!

Hopefully, I've made it clear why I have these call to actions.

If you enjoyed this post, I highly encourage you to comment and subscribe to our Youtube channel- Real Men Real Style.

I'm Antonio Centeno, the founder of RMRS. I'm a former Marine Corps Officer with a BA in Evolutionary Biology and Philosophy (Cornell College 98') and an MBA from The University Of Texas at Austin (07'). I studied the Science of Style in London, Hong Kong, and Bangkok and have created over 5000 videos/ articles to help men dress better. Click here to discover more about our mission here at RMRS.

Ready to earn more money and command respect with the right clothing? Want to start dressing sharp today? Click here to discover The Style System , the BEST Professional Style Course on the planet!

Please Subscribe To My Channel


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